11:07 AM Edit This 0 Comments »Our first task of the semester was to observe one of the oldest buildings on campus; The Mary Foust building and discuss it's significance to the University.
I have grouped my obervations into three sections; What I noticed about the building, what I don't see and what this all means.
What I noticed about the building:
· Old infrastructure (Brick)
· Stone balcony
· Arched windows
· Different from the surrounding buildings
· Chimneys
· 5 vertical stars (picture reference above) – keeps the building from falling during natural disasters, shows that the building has structural problems, another indication that it is old.
· Old infrastructure (Brick)
· Stone balcony
· Arched windows
· Different from the surrounding buildings
· Chimneys
· 5 vertical stars (picture reference above) – keeps the building from falling during natural disasters, shows that the building has structural problems, another indication that it is old.
· Vents (weep holes) , show that they had a different type of ventilation system than we do today
· Rough stone
·Gutters go below the ground, shows that there is infrastructure below the ground and surrounding the building.
·Building is not symmetrical . Although the entrance is prominent, the building is different lengths on each side.
What I did NOT see ( elements that a modern building would have)
·Plain- no decoration
·Not painted
·No wires/electrical lines to keep the historical value of the building, all of this is underground.
·Not painted
·No wires/electrical lines to keep the historical value of the building, all of this is underground.
What does this all mean?
This all means that this building is historical to the university and that something special took place in this building, because of the fact that they have chosen to keep it around. It is evidently the oldest building on campus and has remained strong throughout the years although there is evidence that it may have some structural problems. It is also used as a monument for the University.
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